Yesterday The Hive asked the Echelon to post out ideas of how we can promote Thirty Seconds to Mars in festivals/concerts.
I am probably going to the german festivals (Highfield/Area 4) in August so I thought of some ideas and I also decided to write them down in case you want to adopt them.
No actually...you NEED to adopt them (if you like them of course) to promote our favorite band.
So here are some of my ideas:
• You can hold big signs/banners which inform the world about Thirty Seconds to Mars.Wander around with them and show the people there.
•Print flyers (you can contact me for digital flyer files) and give them away to the people or simply leave them or post them everywhere.
• Get a boombox in the festival and walk around with it while spreading the Mars tunes.
• You should buy Mars t-shirts from the official stands there.
• You can give free marshugs to strangers in festivals! (holding signs+all :D) In this way, some people may ask 'What do marshugs mean?' and you will be able to catch up a conversation about Mars.
p.s. If you have MORE ideas, then post a comment here and I will add it to the list.
Hey , thanks for doing the avatars they are beautiful <3
Good job echelon
your blog is amazing congrats xD
What about Mars temporary tattoos =)
TRIAD TROLL! on the back of any sing board you may have for the festival, put a triad.
Draw it on the back of random people's signs too
Just: I just ordered a run of 1000 glyph tattoos for Echelon to hand out. Stay tuned to the forum for more info.
I'm going to the mars festival in croatia ...and i'm gonna made a shirt ...cuz i've already done that and a lot of people asked me what that is ...and some of them really liked it :D
http://twitpic.com/47wkuv :D
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