On 12th of February 2011, I saw some youtube links in my timeline accompanied with comments like 'Thirty Seconds To Mars perform new song' 'What's this new song called?' so I was like, we NEED to promote this new song of Mars, the Echelon NEEDS to know about it.
To tell you the truth, even the quality wasn't the best, it is a breathtaking song.With remarkable lyrics also.
I decided to post a link of the song and letting my followers know about that song with the tag MarsNewSong.
I promoted a bit more and without even realising my timeline was exploded with 'MarsNewSong' tags and lyrics.Nevertheless we managed to trend MarsNewSong worldwide within half an hour.
I think that's the fastest tag that Echelon have managed to trend so far.

Here it is.We are all so proud that we managed to make it a trending topic SO FAST.We were hoping (well technically we still do) to get a tweet from one band member of Thirty Seconds To Mars which would reveal something extra for that song.Unfortunately we didn't.But we are still pushing it on.
But there is more than that.We didn't trend only MarsNewSong.The Echelon fought hard throughout the week (which by the way was #hurricaneweek) and we also have trended:

So the #hurricaneweek is almost over.That's the last day of it.I decided that we should trend MarsHurricane to celebrate the successful missions of the Hurricane Week.Thus, I don't think there's a better way than ending the specific week with such a beautiful trend.

Also, let's not forget to mention that we trended JaredLeto too! That was the same day we trended ThirtySecondsToMars.

If you're reading this post, if you're seriously READING this, forward it to Thirty Seconds To Mars, to the band members, to the Hive.
We know the twitter page of Thirty Seconds To Mars are aware of the 2 of the 5 worldwide TTs but people ask me all the time: Do the boys know about the trends? Did we make them proud? Is that alright, did we do our job well?
And I really don't know how to answer them.I think we did a pretty good job, Echelon.
But still, send this blog post to all the Twitter/Facebook pages which associate with the band & the band members.
Thanks to everyone who participated in the trendings.And for those who didn't help, well I'm pretty sure you wanted to now that you see the Echelon's success.
We will keep it up.The war is not over!
We all did an awesome job and I hope to see it continued! The guys are proud of us just as we are them! <3 30 Seconds to Mars & <3 Echelon! Great job my crazy family :)
and #30secondstomars at the EMAs and Jared Leto after the VMAs :DD
What a wonderful job you made!!! I'll add all the searchs! And also I followed you in twitter and now in blogger!! I'm from Ecuador also known as "The Middle Of World" in (South America).
Hope we can keep contact, I love to have echelon friends over the world!
P.S: I loved the desing of the blog and ur Photobucket's Gallery♥
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