Sunday, December 11, 2011

Our two-year-old alibi.

If you want something real, please stop reading it cause it'll be too fairy tale for you. What caused me to lose everything? I don't remember. So let's start by blaming something we all love. Music. Oh yes. We all love to point the finger at the media guy; love and lust; loss and gain. Suddenly everyone's surprised, why the rape? Why the killing? Why the violence? Oh yes, it's has got to be the music.

People have spent years blaming our favorite bands for everything. Let's spill the name; Thirty seconds to Mars. They blame this band because they are unable to blame themselves for not being there when they should have.
"You are obsessed with them, you should see a doctor." My mum said.
Really mum? Really? Maybe you should have seen a doctor a long time ago when your kid wasn't alright and was crying everyday for no apparent reason.

At times, I sit here in my room; I sit and think, what if I were left alone? Would I try and think up friends? Family? Goals? Dreams? And as I failed with each and every try, would chilling, fragile tears roll down my cheeks? Would I take them all for granted, or would I love them and cherish them with everything I've got? And as I grow up, will I ever feel love, sadness, joy, anger, success, frustration, accomplishment, dismay, betrayal? Would I ever grow up and become somebody?

After those two beautiful years, I have the answer. I am not alone. I found friends. And when I say friends, I don't mean some random people with whom you have a nice time and some fake laughs. No. I found friends that everytime I am down, they will get their ass off the chair and they will come and hug me and tell me everything is going to be alright. I found friends that I care for. I thank them for allowing me to enter their lives and even maybe make it a bit better with my existence. I just hope.

We share the same passion and dream with those people. Thirty seconds to Mars. We are different, yet we are one. Thirty seconds to Mars. We are beautiful and ugly at the same time and we love it. Thirty seconds to Mars.
We are sane and insane. We love Thirty seconds to Mars & we really mean this.

Love. Is it the feeling of warmth, comfort? This is what we feel for each other and this is what we feel for this band. This feeling rose during these two years even more. Do you know why?
Because this band which includes Jared, Shannon & Tomo (and not only) tried to visit every goddamn place in this world. They wanted to please each one of us, each member of their family. What's even better? THEY MADE IT.
I really don't know why you're still reading this, if you don't believe it.

Those people gave away more than 300 concerts for each one of you. Exclusively for you. For you who understand. I don't know if it's only just me, but everytime I attended a Thirty seconds to Mars show, I felt beautiful. I felt complete. I felt like I was actually doing someone for myself, something worth having.
You know how everyone is, these days; Striving for the perfect face, starving for the thinnest body. Crying as you shove the last burger bite into your mouth; after all, do you want to fail? Why are you still reading this? Not emotionally corrupted enough? Well then, let's keep on going.
Those people made us forget about all these. During these two years they helped us understand that you don't achieve perfection that way. Do you know what perfection is? If you don't love someone, you pretty much don't.

Perfection. Perfection is having a taste of your dreams. Jotting down the 'tick' sign next to every goal of yours. I wouldn't have known that if it wasn't for Thirty seconds to Mars. Someone had to tell me. They did. They were the first and only ones who actually cared to motivate their family to GET UP AND DO SOMETHING for themselves. They didn't earn anything from it. They only felt like it was their duty to help us, the Echelon.

Serious thought, what are you doing writing at 7:35 P.M. to the light of your iPod? It's not like you're hurt. Wait, are you? Isn't hurt just realization of failure? You can't know, because you never tried to fail. You can't help someone if you don't believe in them, and neither can Dr.Phil, Oprah, Montel Williams, no, not even Jerry Springer, and especially not you. Those men believed in us. So excuse me while I love the people who changed my worldview and helped me overcome my depression. Excuse me. Eventually you'll realize that everything is under your control as long as you open your eyes and see. See what you are good at. See what you are bad at. It'll save you time, I promise. There's a tear in your eye…

Make sure you have people you can fall back on. I have now. You know who you are. You are miles away and you might be sleeping now because we are in a different timezone. Who cares? We are still united through our admiration for this band. We have different visions, dreams, talents, turn-ons and offs but in the end, we are all the same. Somehow we all got corrupted at some point in our lives and thanks to these people and the 300+ memories they gave us, we are still back up again, kicking asses. Or at least we're making progress.

"My stupid mom hates me because she didn't get me the $2,000 sunglasses! I'm going to go and indulge in self mutilation." PAHHH-LEASE! Go play in traffic; and while you do that, I have some socks to wash.
Keep living your pathetic life where the only things that can make you 'happy' are THINGS. Not memories, not situations, not even people.
We learned how to live. You know, I see several people while I walk down the street and I observe every muscle of their face. Sad, sad sad. And a bit more sad.
They haven't LIVED. They haven't experienced that unconditional feeling that Thirty seconds to Mars managed to give us multiple times within those two years and I feel blessed. I feel blessed that not only I have experienced it, but I shared it with others too.

7:47 P.M. Why do I keep track of time you ask? Maybe my thoughts wake up at different times.
How long does it take to call someone your best friend? A year? Two? Thirteen? What if you don't see them for about five years?
I call the Echelon my best friends. I call those guys my best friends even if we don't really know each other. We have swapped feelings and experiences that I have never tried with the people I see everyday and I am sometimes forced to call friends.

Things can change in the span of two seconds, or they can stay the same for a long time and never change. The irony of FATE; It doesn't exist. You decide what happens. You will either finish reading this and do nothing about it or you will wake up the next day and write down the things you want to do before you die. Start tomorrow, make a list and start living your life because you have only one left to live. You say you've seen too much, lost too much. you say you've done so much it's useless to make an attempt -- but the sole reason for my existence is right in front of me.

To the Echelon:

Every single time I look over you, I just want to hug you and make sure you're comfy and do whatever else to make you feel alright. You are really, my number one. People think it has to be controversial, absurd, that I have to have a reason to say all these, but I really don't - we are the definition of survival. Regardless of how many disapprovals and scolding looks we got, we still came back to each other.

It's such a beautiful friendship, I'm getting all teary typing this. Fuck being a lawyer, an architect, a doctor - I've already done something with my life, I discovered the true meaning of friendship, the true meaning of passing all those mental barriers and actually fucking caring for someone to the core of your bones.

To Thirty seconds to Mars:

I will miss you. But that's okay, in the end, I think I needed to miss you to actually appreciate what you have done for us for all this time. I know you're here. I know you haven't left and fuck I'm not gonna let you. I love you so much and I wish you my best. My very very best, because even if I don't know you personally, I know you deserve it. You are the most hard-working people in the music industry and you have given us something precious. I don't think it has a name. Maybe it's better this way.


So find yourself a friend and whisper to them all your secrets, all the fantasies you never tried to say out loud, let them wipe away all of your tears while you listen to Alibi.
I am only your mind; living, thinking, breathing and picturing all the things you never thought possible. And with that, I leave you here, in this place, in this state/province, in this country, on this planet, in this universe, and in this galaxy...until we meet again.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

VyRT tickets giveaway for MARS300.

The following days will be quite special for all of us. The MARS300 is getting closer and closer. While people all over the world were kind of frustrated because they would be unable to attend this worldwide and memorable event, Thirty Seconds to Mars found a way to crash down the barriers of the distance by introducing us to VyRT.
I am pretty sure you all know what VyRT is by now, but in case you don't, you can find all the info here.

So with VyRT, every person around the world will have the opportunity to watch live this special show of Thirty Seconds to Mars, no matter where he/she is. This is phenomenal.

However, with quality comes the respective price which is really not much, it's $15. And personally, I'm alright with it since I'll have backstage access, Q&A with the band and an amazing HD quality.
I also understand though that some people may not be able to afford it for several reasons and we need to understand that. It is not easy for everyone, specially not these days. celebrate my upcoming 10.000 followers who have been the most supportive, patient, talented & purely genuine people ever, I would like to GIVE AWAY a VyRT ticket to one of them.
I am giving away 2 free VyRT tickets!
@IAm_Echelon is giving away 1 more VyRT ticket so we will give away 3 in general!

@Ela_Echelon is giving away 2 more VyRT tickets so we will give away 5 in general!

@sainthope & @krixxy1 & @amoolalifa are giving away 5 more VyRT tickets so we will give 10 in general!!!!

@MarsLilli & @GirlFromMars85 & @PulangMansanas & @Ela_Echelon (who is already giving 2) are giving away 5 more VyRT tickets so we will away 14 in general!

@Archrose & @SarahK_13 & @JulesK_7 & @BlueMoonFirefly are giving away 3 more tickets, so we are currently giving away 17 in total!

@MOMarsFan & @JenLovesMars & @seashellmix & @oizhre & @Dokushaku are giving 6 more tickets so we're at 23 free VyRT tickets to give away!!!

Also @sainthope & @krixxy1 &@drugformars are donating AGAIN 9 tickets in total so we are at 32 tickets!!

@dimopoulou1977 & @crystaldw810 & @tkseven & @malfoeyechelon & @zmbvam44 & @medgicsays & @mariakennedy10 & @_absurdity & @ulenaskalmowska are giving 9 more tickets so that gets us to 41 free tickets!!!

@firey_phine & @onix07 & battrebegagnad are donating 3 more tickets so we are at 44 free tickets!!

@GothySwe & @C0c0Shanelle & @KenV2 & @ashleyrenee21 & @ErikaPink4 & @NisiEchelon & @VerySourCherry & @MOMarsFan are donating 9 MORE TICKETS so we will give away 54 tickets!!


@MOMarsFan is donating one more ticket, and @Marissa_Echelon & @nursehmc78 are donating 4 more tickets so we are at....58 free tickets!!!!

@mamisoniasita & @charlenepip & @rebeecamelo & @30stm_angelface & @comet87 & @thisiszeri & @Scheherazanne & @murielnormandy are donating 5 more tickets for you so we are giving away 66 tickets!!!

I know it's not something special, but I would love to give it away to an Echelon who truly deserves it and he/she is just unable to pay for it.
So how this works?
Simply, fill this form here.
You NEED to be following me because in case you win, I will have to send you a Direct Message. Besides, I'm doing this for my 10.000 followers :)

I would prefer to give the ticket to someone who really CAN'T get it on his/her own. We are supposed to celebrate together the 300 shows.

I will contact the winners on 4th of December.

Also, I would like to add that this giveaway was inspired by @AmericanEchelon who holds a similar contest and you should check it out as well.

Thank you to everyone who has stood by me through our funny, sad, inspiring, serious, silly, amazing moments in Twitter.
You have been my savior and without you, I would definitely not be here writing all this stuff.
I should stop writing before I get all emotional but once again THANK YOU, THANK YOU for everything you have done even if you don't know it. You all are my stepping stone.

I'm looking forward to seeing all you in MARS300 (virtually or not). This is something we should all attend no matter the timezones, the money, the difficulties. We will jump and touch the sky for the last time in this 2-year-tour.

I love you all so much and don't ever go changing.
Sincerely yours,

For any questions, please contact me in Twitter @30STMVOTE or Facebook: 30STMVOTE.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The MarsWeen project is here.

Halloween may not be an international celebration, but as far as everyone knows, the Echelon are from all over the world. That's the reason the 'MarsWeen' which combines 30 seconds to Mars with Halloween is international. Each one of you can take part in this project. It is easy, contemporary & quite fun.

The MarsWeen Project:

If you want to participate in this project, you have to do the following:
- Download the following 'HAPPY MARSWEEN' flyer:

To download the full resolution file, just click on here:
@ in Twitter suggested me to merge the "I'm with Cubbins" trend with the MarsWeen. Cool idea, don't you think?

- Print the flyer above & go out in the streets to promote the twisted Bart Cubbins & the Marsween.

- Send us pictures from your street work at

- We will edit your photos and then we will send the finished work back to you. You can spread it, tweet it, send it to the boys (specially to @jaredleto & @bartcubbins) so they can see that their genius madness is everywhere. And Marsween accompanies it.

- You only have 10 days to complete the project (until 29th of October).

- On 31st of October we will release the finished collage with all the street work of yours & if you want to, we can trend 'HAPPY MARSWEEN' on Twitter to celebrate Halloween & 30 seconds to Mars at the same time.

Since Jared Leto himself encourages the idea of the "ImWithCubbins" posters all over the world, we are positive the boys will enjoy the idea.

Tick tock Echelon! Time to spread the MarsWeen & ImWithCubbins work. Be creative & have fun!

p.s. For any questions contact @30STMVOTE in Twitter or 30STMVOTE in Facebook.


Monday, September 26, 2011

Advices & tricks regarding EMA voting

30 seconds to Mars are nominated in 3 EMA categories this year: Best Alternative, Biggest Fans & Best World Stage.

The Echelon vote every day 100 times in their regional MTV-EMA site.
(Short reminder: You are advised to vote until the limit in your regional MTV-EMA site, for example:,, AND in the european MTV-EMA site:
According to some issues from last year, it is better to avoid voting from other regional sites since they may not count.

Anyway, we know that many of you are busy with school, college, work e.t.c. & you can't be on the computer 24/7 voting for the guys.
That's why we have a trick for you so you can save time.
1. Download the Firefox browser, in case you haven't downloaded it already.
2. Install the Firefox add-on called "ReloadEvery" here.

This add-on automatically refreshes any page you want. You get to choose in how many seconds/minutes the page will refresh.
After you install it, you need to reboot the Firefox (a message will come up for that anyway, so don't worry).

3. Then you go to the MTV-EMA site.
4. You right-click the page. There should be an option "Reload every...". You can adjust there your settings & how often you'd like your page to refresh.

Last but not least: If you exceeded the daily voting limit for 30 seconds to Mars, there are still some things you can do!
a. Use other computers, laptops, smartphones to vote. (Yes you can vote again)
b. Use other browsers (Google Chrome, Opera, Safari e.t.c.)
c. Vote in other categories (where 30 seconds to Mars are NOT nominated) so you can earn points for the Mars Fan Team.
The Mars Fan Team is currently 2nd after the Lady Gaga Fan Team, so we need some extra points.
You can earn points by voting, reading articles, watching videos, seeing flipbooks & signing in.
More info about the Fan Teams & the points are here:
The winner will be announced at the show.

That's all for now. For any questions, contact @30STMVOTE on Twitter or 30STMVOTE on Facebook.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Chapter 15 - Mars Fanfic


Ocha: Sit down, form a circle and hold hands.
Tomo: This is so cool. I feel like I’m in a movie.
Shannon: We will turn this into a movie, if you don’t shut up.
Tomo: Someone’s scaaaaaaaaaaared.
Shannon: Oh fu…
Jared: Both of you shut up and let the girl talk.
Clare: Seems like someone secretly likes the convention.
Jared blushed.
Muna: Alright, can we get this shit started already?
Anna: Jeez Muna, we ARE ready. I have lighted up the candles.
Ocha: Well this is not enough.
Jared: Do we need to sing something or what?
Sophie: I guarantee you that the spirits won’t come with Vox Populi, dad.
Jared sighed.
Tomo and Shannon laughed.
Ocha: First of all…who do you want us to contact?
Muna: Didn’t we say Kurt Cobain?
Anna: Yes, I want Kurt Cobain! DAAAAAAAAD. PLEAASE.
Jared: Anna, I don’t think this is….
Ocha: Anyone could work. In the other world there are no celebrity labels.
Shannon: How do you know?
Tomo: Yeah. I’m pretty sure Michael Jackson highfives Plato everytime he sees him.
Muna: I think we’re out of line, guys.
Ocha: Yes! So I’ll need a hair from some of you.
Shannon: Uhm, some? Why not all?
Ocha: I’ll need a hair from the people who are in the circle and have had sex during Nirvana songs.
Ocha: Come on. Whoever of you has done it, shall give me a hair.
Tomo: I haven’t cause I am a virgin.
Jared: Dude. Seriously, we’re not in a family show now.
Tomo: Arrgh, alright, take this.
Tomo handed a hair to Ocha.
Ocha: Great, thanks! Anyone else?
Shannon: I think we’re clear.
Ocha: Notice that if you lie, the spirit will not come and the house might be cursed. This will have bad conseque…
Shannon: Oh fuck it, I HAVE ! Here you are.
Shannon handed a hair to Ocha.
Clare: Seriously , Shannon?
Sophie: I’m still trying to picture the sex scene of Tomo and I just…
Jared: Alright, now I think we can move on…
Shannon: Bro, where do you think you’re going?
Jared: Err nowhere, I’m still sitting here. Can we start?
Shannon: Give a hair to Ocha.
Jared: No, why should I?
Everyone in the room almost cried out.
Jared: NOW, you’re lying. I DON’T HAVE A SEX TAPE.
Shannon: Oh really? Does the “Bunny creator” ring a bell to you?
Jared froze.
Jared: Great. Amazing. You are a great uncle. Confessing to your nephews that their dad has a sex tape. How MATURE of you. Imagine now the psychological trauma you just caused.
Jared stroke Anna’s hair who was sitting next to him.
Sophie: Uhm, I’m cool?
Muna: Yeah me too. Like I didn’t know about the sex part.
Anna: Yes, dad, chill out, we’re fine. Sex keeps you fit.
Anna winked to Jared.
Clare: Guys seriouslyyyyyyy can we just go on? Jared, give a hair to Ocha.
Jared gave a hair to Ocha too.
Ocha: Alright, do you all hold hands?
All: Yes.
Ocha started saying something in latin & she put the hair in a bowl with some weird ingredients.
Shannon: I’m starting to freak out, what the…
Tomo: SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSH. Let her do her magic tricks.
Ocha closed her eyes & paid attention to none.
Jared: Do you think she’s high?
Clare: Positive.
Shannon: Can I go for a cig while she does that creepy stuff?
Muna: NO! You’ll break the circle.
Shannon mumbled.
Tomo was looking sad.
Jared: What’s wrong, Tomo?
Tomo: I just lost a hair from this awesome beard. You can see that I’m suffering, don’t you?
Jared: Come on, it’s not that bad…
Ocha: Can you let me concentrate?
Everyone hushed. After a while Ocha spoke.
Ocha: I’m afraid it doesn’t work.
Sophie: What do you mean? We’ve been waiting like motherfuckers for so long!
Ocha: I’m sorry dear, it’s not like spirits are machines. They are unpredictable.
Tomo: So you wanna tell me that I REMOVED A HAIR FROM MY BEARD WITHOUT A REASON?
Jared: True. My hair was supposed to die for a reason.
Ocha: Guys, I apologize, it’s not up to me. Blame Kurt!
Anna: Bad bad Kurt.
Clare: Or maybe one of you was lying regarding the sex.
Jared: I didn’t lie! I was listening to “Rape me” when I had sex…
Jared paused.
Jared: I’m pretty sure this didn’t sound the way it was supposed to. My girls, I swearrrrrr I neverrrrrr…
Sophie: Dad, shut up.
Muna: We’ll just ignore it, thanks.
Shannon: I can GUARANTEE YOU i have had sex with…
Shannon: Alright, sorry.
Shannon smiled.
Tomo: So you don’t believe me? I SWEAR! I’m sure Kurt knows the truth…
Muna: Yeah if only we could find him.
Clare: I think I should be going though. I will be at the studio all day long!
Jared: Are you a singer?
Clare: Yeah. Still on my first steps.
Jared: We should do an actual singing convention once. Thanks for bringing your guitar anyway.
Clare: No worries! Ocha?
Ocha: I’m coming with you. Nice meeting you all, guys.
ALL: Bye girls!!
Tomo: I gotta go too, big day tomorrow.
Shannon: Yeah we’re back on business after a while.
Tomo, Clare & Ocha left.
Jared: I can’t wait to get back on stage tomorrow.
Muna: We will finally come to your show…legally!
Shannon: Yes, but you will have no backstage pass. You will be at the arena. Alright?
Girls: Alright, uncle.
Jared: STRICTLY in the arena.
Anna: Why are you shouting? Aren’t we always disciplined?
Jared: I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that and I’ll go to bed. Goodnight pervs.
The Leto family went to sleep.
The next day was a busy day for everyone as the girls were so excited for tonight’s gig that they called all their friends to tell them about it. They also spent the entire day creating 30 seconds to Mars merch. Muna received her package from Mars Store (Check the official Mars Store here: too.
The boys spent their day practicing their performance. They did rehearsals all day long, since they wanted to be prepared for the big show at that night.
The time for the 30 seconds to Mars show was almost there. The girls, as promised, went to the arena to see their family perform. The band was backstage, listening to the support-band.
Shannon: You guys ready?
Jared: Sure! A bit nervous, but I’m fine.
Shannon: Let me tweet to those muddafuggaz that we’re going out.
Tomo: Shan, we’ll be out in like 10 minutes, you don’t have time for that tweet.
Shannon: Oh shut up already.
After 5 minutes, Shannon tweeted “YOU READY MUDDAFUGGAZ!”.
Jared: You’re getting better and better. I think that was your time record, don’t you think?
Shannon ignored his brother.
Some minutes later, Shannon had to step on stage to go to his drums.
Shannon grabbed his drumsticks. Suddenly he started dancing the Macarena moves non-stop. The crowd was looking at him astonished.
Jared pulled his hair.
Shannon: I don’t know, I can’t stop, I just have to…
Shannon kept doing the Macarena moves. He had now stood up.
(In case you don’t know the Macarena moves, watch here:
Tomo: WHAT THE HELL, should I go and wake him up?
Jared got all worried.
Jared: Uh uh….errr….no go & start “Escape” now!
Tomo stepped on the stage, the crowd clapped and Tomo grabbed his guitar.
By the time he grabbed it, he started scratching his beard, unable to stop.
Tomo: Sorry dude, I can’t!!
Tomo kept scratching his beard.
Tomo: I need to scratch it!
The crowd was just standing there, all silent.
On stage, Shannon was dancing to Macarena and Tomo was scratching his beard non-stop.
Jared: Alright, Jared, you can do this. They are kidding you and by the time you get on stage, everything will get back to normal.
Jared stepped on stage and the crowd shouted and clapped.
Jared looked at Shannon.
Jared: Can you stop this fuckery now?
Shannon: I can’t bro, I just HAVE TO!
Shannon turned right to keep the Macarena moves.
Jared grabbed the microphone and attempted to start singing “Escape” but instead of “Escape” he started singing “S&M” by Rihanna.
Jared: Na, na, na COME ON!
Jared: You’re so good being baaaaaaaaad.
The crowd was so surprised that they thought this is a joke, so they started singing along.
Jared then sang Please don’t stop the music, Umbrella, Only girl, SOS, Disturbia.
The crowd started questioning why Jared was singing these songs. They were Echelon so they didn’t start throwing tomatoes to them but they were shouting MARS song titles.
Tomo started crying. He kept scratching his beard.
Shannon: I think the Macarena moves match “Rude Boy”, yeah?
The crowd ended up joining the boys after realizing the band didn’t intend to sing MARS songs.
Jared: Alright guys! Who wants to come on stage? GUESS WHAT’S OUR ENCORE SONG!
The Echelon raised their hands and screamed “Kings and Queens”.
Jared picked some people to get on stage.
Jared: UNFAITHFUL will be our encore song! HOW EXCITING!
Tomo: Jared, seriously, I’m feeling sick already. This will kill me.
Jared gave a look at Tomo.
Jared: Can’t you see? I HAVE TO DO THIS!
The girls with Clare and Ocha made it to the stage too.
Anna: What the hell, dad?!
Sophie: YOU shake it better than Rihanna, dad!
Tomo: You’re not even changing the genderrrrrrrr.
The girls laughed & joined Shannon at the Macarena moves. Some Echelon on stage joined them too while Jared was singing Unfaithful by Rihanna.
Suddenly, Ocha grabbed Jared’s microphone.
Ocha: Hello people! My name is Ocha.
Jared tried to take the microphone from Ocha but he couldn’t.
The crowd boo-ed Ocha.
Ocha: I’ve been waiting for this minute a long time. You just saw how ridiculous 30 seconds to Mars can be. THEY WON MY IDOL TAYLOR SWIFT IN AN ONLINE POLL! This broke my heart. And Rihanna retweeted Jared. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE! I ONLY ALLOW HER TO RETWEET ME, BECAUSE SHE IS MINE! I love her.
The crowed boo-ed Ocha again.
Ocha (off the microphone): I used your hair yesterday to cast a spell on you tonight! All these things you’re doing….they are because I CAUSED THEM.
Jared wasn’t talking.
Jared: The show is over, right?
All: Right!
Jared: So this doesn’t apply on us anymore, right?
Jared grabbed Ocha and put her on his arms. He then crowd-surfed with her.
The crowd went all crazy because this was totally unexpected and Jared shouted: TAKE DOWN THE BITCH!
He then greeted some Echelon and went up on stage again.
Anna: Dad, that was genius.
Clare: OH MY GOD, I had no idea magic actually existed!
Tomo: Everything we’ve seen exists.
Muna: Honestly? So fat Godzilla exists?
Tomo: WATCH YOUR MOUTH, LITTLE GIRL! Godzilla is a sensitive monster…
Jared apologized once again to the audience, thanked them & told them some sweet words. He also sang the chorus of “The Kill” acoustic with the audience and apologized again.
After the show, the girls and the boys drove to a restaurant to eat dinner.
Jared: I will not be surprised if none comes to our next show.
Shannon: True. The last time we had the girls playing the “Dear Diary, my family…” game and now THIS. THIIIIIS. THIS IS MUCH WORSE!
Anna: It wasn’t THAT bad…Your dancing was cool.
Shannon: It’s the easiest thing ever, sweetheart.
Muna: I can’t understand how easily you got over what this witch DID TO YOU!
Shannon: If you’ve seen Jared drunk, you’ve seen everything in life.
Tomo: I have to agree!
Jared: I am not that funny. Call this off.
Shannon: The last time you took the tomato-pillow, you threw it in the boiler, you actually boiled it and you waited for it to become tomato soup.
Tomo: And you were singing “Don’t cry for me Argentina”.
Shannon: I request a high-five!
Tomo high-fived him.
Jared wore his sunglasses.
Sophie: Dad, it’s almost midnight. Take off your sunglasses.
Jared: I’m trying to remind your uncle, what had happened with some sunglasses when he was drunk.
Shannon: This is a story for another time…
Muna: Tomo, tell us your drunk story!
Tomo: I’ll have to owe you that one cause this is a long story…
Anna: Promise?
Tomo: I promise!
Jared: Pinky promise?
Tomo: I only give pomegranate promises, mate.
Tomo smiled at Jared. Jared smiled back.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Chapter 14 - Mars Fanfic

Chapter 14

(now visit - we have a site JUST for our Mars Fanfics!)

The next day, Jared, Muna, Anna & Sophie went to the super-market. Shannon was still recovering from his hangover.
Jared: Of course we will not follow your list, Sophie…
Jared grabbed a big basket.
Sophie: My list rules! What do you say girls?
Muna & Anna: YES!!
Jared: I’d like you to stay alive until you’re 30. Now, let’s go, we have some shopping to do.
Jared walked away while the girls folded their arms and stood still. After some minutes, Jared realized he wasn’t being followed by the girls.
Jared: Aw right, so now we’re gonna play ‘Hide & seek’ in the super-market. How funny.
He didn’t get an answer. Jared continued speaking to himself.
Jared: Never mind, I’ll do the shopping on my own.
He was singing a tune while shopping. When he was almost done, he stumbled upon the girls…with full ‘unhealthy’ baskets.
Jared: No, I’m not giving you money to buy these.
Anna: Too bad our uncle gave us some money this morning.
Jared: Shannon would never agree with this shopping list, are you kidding me?
Muna: Well we told him that we’re going to the bookstore & we’d love to buy the new Harry Potter book cause Rowling has a signing today. In fact each one of us would like to buy it. So yeah he agreed.
Jared frowned.
Jared: No, you didn’t! He couldn’t actually buy that, the latest Harry Potter book was released…oh my God…the drunk Shannimal syndrome. YOU TOOK ADVANTAGE OF IT!
Muna: Right. Now let’s see who’s faster to make it to the cashiers!
The girls ran, followed by Jared. Unfortunately for the girls, Jared had practiced his jumping skills during the latest shows, so he jumped over some baby & shop trolleys to make it quick. And he did. He arrived first to the cashiers.
Jared shouted: BITE MY DUST! (Everyone turned around to look at him)
Sophie: The fact that you made it first to the cashier, doesn’t mean we will not buy our groceries. Okay, go on, you’re first on the line.
Jared: What do you mean? I won so you’re not….
Super-market assistant: Can you give me your things, sir? We’ve got some work to do.
Jared looked at the assistant.
Jared: Oh yeah sure, let me get my wallet.
Jared opened his wallet. He searched for dollars but he only found euros.
Jared: No way, I used my wallet yesterday, I had dollars in that wallet, what happ…
Anna started giggling.
Muna, Sophie & Anna burst into tears from laughter.
Sophie: Please sir, step back, there are people waiting for you in the line.
Jared gave an awkward smile to the people who were waiting for him to leave.
Jared to the girls: I will kill you at home.
Jared to the assistant: Cancel the…you know…I don’t have my money so…you get it…well…
Super-market assistant: Yeah, right, we get it, now walk away.
Jared was watching the girls putting their groceries into the super-market bags when he saw that they had bought more than 20 candles.
Jared: What are all those candles for?
Anna: Aw didn’t we tell you? We will bring some friends tonight at home & call some spirits.
Jared smiled.
Jared: Ha, alright, anyone specific you’d like to have a convo with?
Muna: Kurt Cobain would be awesome.
Anna: Oh my God, do you think we can contact him?
Jared didn’t comment and he helped them with the groceries.
Sophie: So daddy, will you join our convention tonight?
Jared: Convention? Nah, I’m too old to play the witch. Go, have fun with your friends.
The girls & Jared arrived home to see Shannon drinking coffee.
Shannon: Oh my God, I’m finally….I think I’m on earth again.
Jared: Jeez, Shan, you gave money to the girls for a book which was released years ago.
Shannon: So what? Can’t they buy it?
Jared: They told you it was the premiere with author signing. Do you really think fucking Rowling would be nearby today? It would be all over the news!
Shannon: Dude seriously, do you think I would be able to think about ALL of that crap?
Jared agreed.
Muna: Dad, what should we cook for lunch today? Not anything heavy I suggest.
Jared: Why is that?
Muna: Because if we contact any spirit with anorexia, it might get pissed off!
Jared: Jesus Christ, what am I hearing….what do you have in mind for lunch?
Sophie: Don’t mean to turn you off guys or anything, but we only have bacon & eggs.
Anna: Let’s eat bacon & eggs with chocolate muffins!!
Jared: Wait a minute, I need to throw up.
Jared ran to the bathroom.
Anna: Uncle, I think our daddy is pregnant.
Shannon smiled.
Shannon: With your bacon & pepperoni baby?
Muna: Uncle, our daddy doesn’t eat meat.
Anna: Yes. Probably he’s having a veggie baby.
Shannon: Question. Are we really doing this conversation or is this a part of my drunk dreams?
Later that day, the girls invited two friends at home so they could start their plan.
Muna: Dad, we brought two friends with us, hope you don’t mind?
Jared: No, of course not. Get them here, I’d like to meet them.
Muna asked Claire & Ocha to come to the living room.
Ocha: Hello, mister Leto, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you!
Jared: Please, call me Jared. I am not that old! Do I look that old?
Clare: You definitely don’t.
Jared smiled and blushed.
Jared: And what’s your name?
Clare: My name is Claire. Nice meeting you…Jared!
Jared: Sophie, go get the girls something to drink and eat. You are being a horrible host so f….Clare, you brought a guitar! Are we singing?
Clare: Aaah…maybe. We intend to call spirits with musical education.
Anna clapped.
Anna: Dad join us pleaseeeeeeee.
Ocha: Yes you should, it’s gonna be so much fun!
At that point, Jared realized Ocha had brought a cat with her.
Jared: Ocha why did you bring your cat with you?
Ocha: Oh well, I thought that we should indicate to the spirits we are pet-friendly.
Muna: Ocha shhhh….they might be listening.
Ocha: No, they can’t be listening! We haven’t summoned them.
Jared: You are the one who will call the shots? With the summon and all?
Ocha: Oh yes!
Clare: You should join us, it’s harmless you know.
Jared: Ha, do you think I’m afraid? I’m not afraid of all these…spiritual…emm…
Jared stepped back.
Jared: …I’m really into the mood, that’s all.
Sophie: You’re always such a turn-off, the uncle & Tomo will join us!
Jared: No, they won’t! Tomo is at his home and your uncle should be out for cigarettes. (after some thinking) Oh my God, what time is it?
Clare: 8.30!
Jared: You’re kidding! He’s gone for an hour and he still had that hangover when he left, let me call him.
Jared called Shannon.
Shannon: Hey bro!
Jared: Dude, where are you? You’ve been gone for an hour and the girls here are telling me that you will join their ghost meeting.
Jared whispered ‘Whatever’.
Shannon: Oh yeah, I’m definitely joining that one.
Jared: Where are you, dude? And why on earth would you join this…(Jared looked at Ocha and Clare)…peaceful and spiritual meeting?
Shannon: I’m on mrs Marple’s house, dude! She is not that bad, Jared, not at all.
Jared blinked twice.
Jared: WHAT ARE YOU DOING AT MARPLE’S? The woman is evil!
Shannon: No, she is not evil, we are actually drinking some scotch now…oh my….
Jared: Where is she? Can you talk?
Shannon: She is in the bathroom…oh my God….Jared…now I see, she’s trying to get me drunk! You need to get me outta here.
Jared: Shit, Shannon! I’ll see what I can do, maybe if..
Shannon: I gotta go now. She is coming!
Shannon hung up.
Jared: Girls, do you mind if you postpone the ghost thing for a bit?
Jared: Alright, yeah this.
Anna: Only if you join us!
All together: AGREED.
Jared thought about it a bit.
Jared: Cool, okay you got me, I’ll join you.
She hugged Jared.
Sophie: Hmm, Tomo should be on his way though…and why the hell…
Sophie? What?
Muna: THE SPIRITS! Those words you’re using! Ts ts ts.
Sophie got terrified and closed her mouth.
Sophie: Aw well…why is our uncle to mrs Marple’s?
Jared: Long story! I need your help now, we need to get him out of there.
Everyone thought about it for a while but none had an idea until Clare spoke.
Clare: I have an idea!
Muna: Shoot.
Claire: So, the girls have talked to me about this psychopath and they’ve also told me that she has a thing for you, Jared, so why don’t you…well…flirt with her? I’m afraid it is the only way to get into the house and get your brother.
Jared froze for some seconds.
Jared: HE FUCKING OWES ME IF I DO THAT. She is disgusting.
Anna: Come on dad, fight! For our uncle…Imagine what she could be doing to him now!
Jared & the girls rushed themselves to Mrs Marple’s house.
Jared: So I just knock?
Clare: Yes! What else could you possibly do?
Jared: Alright, alright and then what?
Ocha: Is it the first time you hit on a woman, Jared?
Jared: No, it is the first time I hit on a monster.
Sophie: Dad, just pretend she is a supermodel and you will take her home later tonight.
Jared growled at the girls.
Jared: Will you blindfold me so I can make the ‘sexy fantasies’ thing easier?
Muna: DAD, we’re losing time, just knock the goddamn door!
Jared knocked the door and mrs Marple opened it.
Mrs Marple: My dear!
Marple tried to hug Jared but he told her he was sick so she shouldn’t be touching him.
Mrs Marple: Aw you care so much about me, don’t you?
Jared: Yeah, yes. That’s a fact. Where is my brother?
Mrs Marple: He is at the living room. We’re drinking whiskey for you.
Jared: For me? Oh you shouldn’t…
Anna whispered to Jared: Now dad, pray that you’ll live the next 5 years with her whiskey curse..
Ocha: Anna! Watch your mouth. The spirits!
Anna: Oops, damn, sorry yes.
Mrs Marple leaded them to the living room where Shannon was sitting there on his own.
Shannon: GUYS! YOU’RE HERE!!
Sophie: Uhm yes, now we should be leaving , shouldn’t we?
Clare: Yes, Tomo is probably already waiting.
Mrs Marple got furious.
Mrs Marple: You’re not going anywhere! I locked the doors.
All together: YOU DID WHAT?!
Mrs Marple: Jared, darling I should show you something. Wait a minute.
Mrs Marple headed to the bedroom.
Jared (quietly): Muna! The keys, find the keys!
Muna: Why me??
Jared: Cause you’re the one who always hides stuff from others, the last time you hid my boxers in the cookie jar. You can guess where she…
Mrs Marple entered the living room again. She was wearing a wedding dress.
Shannon gave the what-the-fuck look at Jared.
Jared: Happy to see you’re finally getting married. Which hot model fell in love with you?
Mrs Marple smiled and she stepped towards Jared.
Jared was stepping back.
Mrs Marple: You’re always such a gentleman, Jared! At first, I wondered why you set restraining order against me, but then I remembered you are the traditional type of man. You didn’t want to see me before the wedding, didn’t you?
Jared: WHAT?????!
Mrs Marple: I understand. I understand that all this time you wouldn’t be able to resist sneaking in my house and seeing me and my wedding dress, so that was the reason of the restraining order, wasn’t it?
Mrs Marple: Oh hush. Today is the day then, huh? Finally, finally we will live our eternal love, away from these creepy daughters of yours…
Meanwhile Muna was searching the house for the keys but it was unable for her to find them.
Mrs Marple pushed Jared to the sofa and climbed on him.
Shannon stood up and tried to pull her from Jared but she and the wedding dress were too heavy. The girls also tried but mrs Marple was hitting them with her heels.
Clare: OUCH, OUCH!
¬¬Muna grabbed her phone and locked her self to the bathroom quickly and dialed Tomo’s phone number.
Tomo: Where the fuck are you, guys?
Muna: Tomo, you need to save us! We are at mrs Marple’s house and she has locked us in. She has put up a wedding dress and she is ready to marry dad!!
Tomo: What?! Did Jared say yes?
Muna: NOOOOOOO, NO! She is attacking him, you need to come and save us!
Tomo: Alright, I’m on my way!
Some minutes later, Tomo was outside of mrs Marple’s house. He was holding a golf club. He broke the front window of mrs Marple with this.
Everyone turned around and stopped fighting against mrs Marple for a minute to see the broken window. Tomo invaded in the house.
Jared: Oh thank GOD!
Mrs Marple: You’re not going anywhereeeeeeeeeee.
Mrs Marple grabbed Jared’s legs.
Tomo got Hairjet out of hit pocket and he spread it all over mrs Marple’s hair.
Mrs Marple began screaming.
Jared finally got a hold of himself and stood up. Shannon stood up too. The girls congratulated Tomo and Tomo hugged them.
Tomo: This one’s for you, wedding psycho! GET THE MOFOHAWK DISEASE UP YOUR ASS. Let’s go, guys!
Everyone stepped out of mrs Marple’s house.
Clare: What about my legs? This bitch hit me hard.
Ocha: I think we need to hurry. It’s 11 o’clock. If we summon the spirits after midnight….we might have unpleasant consequences.
Shannon: Oh right, about that….are we really gonna do this? There’s no need to!
Sophie: Uncle, don’t be a…you know. We’re doing it now! By the way, one question Tomo. How come you had the Hairjet with you? I thought you hated this thing.
Tomo: I wanted to experiment on Jared’s hair today, that’s all.
Jared looked at him.
Jared stroked his hair.
Clare: And hey Tomo, why did you bring a golf club with you? I mean that was way too COOL.
Tomo: Giiiiiiirl, some of the spirits might be the athletic type, what were you thinkin?

Chapter 13 - Mars Fanfic

Chapter 13

(now visit - we have a site JUST for our Mars Fanfics!)
Muna and Sophie were watching TV in the Leto mansion.
Muna: Wow it’s one of those days when I really can’t think of any good prank. And we’re watching the Kardashians for fuck’s sake, change that trash!
Sophie: You’re right, dammit. I do have an idea but it’s just way too classic, I’m sure even dad won’t fall for it.
Muna: Bring it on!
Sophie whispered the prank to Muna and Muna’s face shined.
Muna: HELL YEAH, classic but yet so awesome. I’m on it!
Muna ran to the kitchen and Sophie followed her.
Sophie: Have you found it?
Muna: Yes, it’s right here, here we have the soft fog film.
Sophie: Wicked! Let’s go upstairs. I’m gonna check out if daddy’s sleeping.
Muna: Alright, I’m going to the bathroom.
Sophie opened Jared’s door and saw him sleeping.
Sophie: Everything’s set with dad!
Sophie found Muna at the bathroom putting the fog film right under the toilet seat.
Muna: Oh my…this is gonna be so much fun! We should record this.
Sophie: Ew, Muna, no!
Muna laughed. "I think it’s ready. Do you think he’s gonna notice it?”
Sophie: Definitely not, you’ve seen dad’s face when he wakes up. The man will be half asleep. Let’s get outta here!
The girls went to the playroom which was next to Jared’s room and they waited for Jared to wake up.
After a while, Jared woke up and he went straight to the bathroom. The girls tried not to burst into tears from laughter. Suddenly Jared shouted.
Muna: I think that’s us!
Sophie: I think that’s the point where we start to ruuuuuuuuun!
The girls ran and Jared chased them all over the house. He caught them after…3 minutes.
Jared: You’re not fast enough!
Jared grabbed Muna’s hand.
Jared: SOPHIE YOU TOO! Stop running.
Sophie: Please please please don’t ground me today, try tomorrow!
Jared: Why not today?
Sophie: Well I’m trying not to break my grounding record which was 4 days in a week. Today is Monday, so it’s a new week , so you can ground me again and start counting.
Jared: Wow, didn’t know I had grounded you 4 times in 1 week…BUT NOW YOU’RE DEFINITELY GROUNDED, WHAT THE FUCKERY DID YOU DO?!
Muna: Nice way to wake up…huh?
Muna winked.
Jared: I am not cleaning this up.
Sophie: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew how bad is it ?
Jared: Go check it out yourself. I am going to take a shower. Where is your sister?
Sophie: School.
Muna: Cinema.
They said it at the same time.
Muna: What the hell, Sophie, it’s Sunday today!
Sophie: What the hell, Muna, the movies don’t start at 10 a.m. in the morning!
Jared sighed.
Jared: Where is she?
The girls looked at each other.
Sophie: Alright I can’t hold it anymore, ANNA HAS A DAAAAAAAAAAATE!
Muna: Actually I think they’re gonna get laid, isn’t she going to his house?
Jared raised his eyebrows.
Jared: They’re gonna do….WHAT?!
Sophie: Oh come on, dad, relax, like you didn’t know that your daughters are…dating.
Jared: I knew that you are dating but oh my…YOU! (he pointed Muna) and…YOUUU…(he pointed Sophie & did a creepy face) are having sex?
Muna: Now this is getting uncomfortable.
Sophie: Yes, I guess we should just go. We’re invited at Tomo’s house.
Jared: To do what?
Muna: Aaah, dad, hello, some privacy. DUH.
Muna grabbed Sophie & left the house while Jared was left home alone.
He called Shannon.
Jared: Where are you?
Shannon: Uhm, well…I don’t really know.
Jared: What do you mean, what do you see around?
Shannon: Looks like I’m in a forest dude. No no actually…could this be Central Park? Yeah…it kinda looks like it.
Jared closed his eyes & sighed again.
Jared: Why do I have to clean everyone’s messes all the time? Stay where you are.
Jared drove all the way to Central Park & after some digging he found Shannon talking to a couple of ducks.
Shannon: Brotherrrrrrrr….I think I’m drunk.
Jared: Awesome. And I thought you were not. Let’s go!
Jared carried Shannon all the way to the car & when they got home, they found a message in the phone machine.
‘Hi dad, Sophie, Muna, uncle, or whoever has invaded in the Leto mansion, (in a slower tone) yes I do believe in aliens, this is Anna. I need to speak to someone as soon as possible, I forgot my keys so I’m heading to Tomo’s. Bye.’
Jared: What the hell was that?
Shannon: What the hell was what?
Jared: Alright, let me take you to your bed , I need to go to Tomo’s.
Shannon: Nooo nooo man, I got this party today…
Jared: Apparently the party was yesterday.
Shannon: NO IT’S TODAY!
Jared: Come on Shannon, you’re acting like a little kid. Let me…
Shannon pushed Jared away.
Shannon: I am supposed to go there and sweat sweat sweat dammit!
Jared: Last warning…if you behave and stop whining I will leave you my Blackberry.
Shannon opened his eyes wide.
Shannon: WITH your Twitter password?
Jared: Well…oh…alright sure.
Shannon: DEAL!
Jared left his Blackberry to Shannon and headed to Tomo’s house.
Half an hour later, Jared was at Tomo’s house.
Tomo: Uhh…eh…hi Jared.
Jared: Hey man, can I come in?
Tomo: I don’t think that’s the right time actually..
Jared: I just wanna take the girls & leave, they told me they’d be here. And Anna too!
Tomo: Really? Well they lied to you, they’re not.
At that moment, Anna started screaming.
Jared gave Tomo an awkward look.
Tomo: Alright, you may come in but the girls didn’t want you here and I SWEAR I won’t be the one who will pay for this.
Jared walked into Tomo’s house and saw the girls at the living room.
Muna was playing with her Blackberry, Sophie was writing down something on a paper & Anna was crying.
Anna: NONE’S IS PAYING ATTENTION TO ME?? Hellooooooo, you’re still my sisters, I have this serious problem & you’re just….Sophie are you making the weekly super-market list?
Sophie: Uhm yeah, cause none will?
Anna stood up.
Anna took a look at Jared.
Jared: What the fuckery is going on? Muna, seriously, stop trying to beat my score in Angry Birds, this is just NOT going to happen.
Muna sticked her tongue out & left the Blackberry.
Anna sighed.
Anna: None is paying attention to me. I will just go die in a shit hole & none is going to look after me & my bags, aw my God, all my bags…Tomo can you have my bags please?
Tomo rolled his eyes.
Jared: Annie, what are you talking about? Come here.
Anna sat on Jared’s legs.
Jared: What’s wrong?
Sophie: Oh my….nothing is wrong with her, we’ve been here for over 2 hours & she still hasn’t told us anything. She’s just being melodramatic about life & how a bag can replace a pet.
Sophie: Fuck this, I’m outta here.
Anna: Alright, I’m pregnant.
Jared started coughing and pushed Anna from his legs. Then he stood up.
Sophie & Muna were looking at Anna all surprised with their mouths open. So was Tomo.
Jared : YOU ARE….WHAT?!
Anna: Pregnant. In 9 months you’ll be a grandpa.
Jared: No, I’M NOT. I have pink hair, I can’t have a grandchild.
Anna: We’ll dye your hair. Maybe gray, what do you think?
Jared: ANNA! ANNA! Anna, wake up. Why are you, the teens, not even wearing condoms? Like seriously, it’s simple math. You get to wear it, all cleaned up, you get to skip it, all screwed up.
Muna: The only good thing is, that we just gave MTV an extra episode for Teen Mom. We are definitely gonna go and audition for Teen Mom, right? I love this!
Tomo: Muna…dude chill out.
Muna: You guys don’t even know how to have fun.
Sophie: Oh come on, you’ve been the best mother of your dolls like always. I am so jealous of you.
Anna: (lower) You think so?
Anna smirked.
Sophie: Totally, bitch.
Anna: Is this a word…or?
Tomo gave her a hard look.
Anna swallowed.
Jared sat on the couch again.
Jared: So are you sure you’re pregnant, Anna?
Anna: I can feel it yes!
Jared shaked his head.
Jared: What do you mean ‘you can feel it’ ?
Anna: I can feel it inside me, dad. The baby!
Sophie: It will be most probably the pizza you nailed last night..
Jared: SOPHIE.
Sophie: Yeah, dad, repeat after me (with Anna’s voice) ‘I can feel it inside me. The baby!’ & voila you’re pregnant. You haven’t even had sex with Matt.
Anna: You’re wrong! We have today.
Jared covered his face with his hands & Tomo laughed.
Tomo: Anna, darling, are you sure you know the definition of sex?
Anna: Yeah, duh. Don’t make fun of me.
Tomo: I would really look forward to hearing your definition of sex.
Jared: I think I’ll throw up with the interpretation.
Anna: If you make out with someone, doesn’t it mean you have sex with him?
Jared bit his tongue.
Jared : Yes, you’re right. That’s what I told you when you were 6.
Anna: SO YOU LIED ABOUT IT! That’s why I didn’t know where the condoms fit in the whole story…
Tomo held his belly from the laughter & the girls joined him.
Jared: So you’re definitely not pregrant. Thank God…
Anna: But what about the baby inside me?
Jared: The peperoni & bacon baby inside you will soon leave you.
Jared: What?
Jared: Oh shut up, I meant, yeah really soon, so technically by tomorrow…
Jared: Anna, shut up, for fuck’s sake.
Anna opened the main door & started running in the streets.
Muna: Someone buy her a bag or something, she’s gone nuts.
Tomo: I’m on it.
Sophie wrote it in the super-market list.
Jared: What are you writing down there?
Sophie: The super-market list.
Jared: Let me check it.
Sophie handed it to Jared.
More chocolate
Chocolate cookies
Chocolate muffins
Chocolate till we die
Peanut Butter
Condoms for dad + uncle
More Peanut Butter
A lot of (black) sugar
Chocolate Milk
Many eggs
More Bacon
Chocolate cake
Nutella (XL size)
Bag for Anna

Jared: You’re not actually going to buy all that. You will all die in the following days. (He then continued reading) Condoms? Shannon’s condoms? You’re not gonna buy any condoms!
Sophie: For just in case, dad.
Jared looked at Sophie.
Jared: I like the fact you have actually written ‘black sugar’ instead of the regular one.
Sophie: It hasn’t that fat.
And Jared laughed with all his heart.
Jared: Hahahahahahahha yeah, like you’re waiting from the black sugar to save you, with all that chocolate you got in there, hahahahahhahaha.
Muna: Emm dad…
Jared: Hahahahhaa…what?
Muna: I think you have a problem.
Muna was on Twitter with her Blackberry.
Jared: What kind of problem?
Muna: Did you give your password to the uncle or something?
Jared: Uh yes, he wouldn’t sleep otherwise.
Muna: Oh good, cause he’s been answering to people with your account & he hasn’t said it’s him and all. Hahahahahhahaa oh my God, a girl is asking him, well technically she asked you, "Are you an angel?” & he is like "YES,I’M JARED AND I FELL FROM THE SKY. MY BUTT IS STILL IN PAIN” Oh my God, I’m dying hahahahahaha.
Tomo & Sophie started laughing as well.
Jared: DAMMIT, first Sophie, now Shannon, everyone will think that I am bipolar! Not that I care but….WHAAAAAAAAAAT THE FUCK IS HE TWEETING!
Muna: OH SHIT….THIS! "Jared, is it true that you are the oldest vampire in the universe?” and Shannon answered "No it’s not, because that sparkling Edward shit bit me first.”
Jared grabbed his coat & ran all the way to his house.
He had to grab his Blackberry from Shannon’s hands.
He also had a big day tomorrow.
The super-market weekly visit.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Which video of 30 seconds to Mars should be nominated for the VMAs 2011?

The nominations of the VMAs 2011 are almost here! Let us know which video YOU would like to see nominated & let's cross our fingers that 30 seconds to Mars will make it again this year in this year's nominations!

Closer to the edge


This is war

p.s. Notice that the voting numbers are NOT real time, but we will let you know about the results within the next days.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Which song should 30 seconds to Mars sing live?

30 seconds to Mars concerts are always a supernatural experience as they take over the stage & the audience's full attention. But have you ever wanted them to sing your favorite 30 seconds to Mars song live? Or did you ever wonder how that song would sound live? Cast your vote now!

Edge of the earth

Buddha for Mary


The Mission

The fantasy

A modern myth

The story


Was it a dream?

Stranger in a strange land


Battle of One

Get a glimpse of the energy of 30 seconds to Mars live:

Thursday, July 14, 2011

NIGHT OF THE HUNTER WEEK - Street promo assault.

Athens, Greece - July 13th 2011

The Hive declared this week 'NIGHT OF THE HUNTER' week & we as true soldiers, hit the streets for our street assault.
The sun was still up, the heat was somewhat tolerable & we had a mission.
We wanted to spread the word about the masterpiece itself: Night of the Hunter.

We met at the HQ (Starbucks) & we planned our steps. We had the flyer that the Hive shared & the avatars of mine to distribute.

And off we went.
Columns, bus stops, even cars were MARSified.

Oops, what's that?

A board with 'Night of the Hunter' written on it. Is this a sign or what?

Yet our challenge was the wall art we were determined to make.

People were passing by which made it more difficult to complete our mission, but the Echelon never gives up & here it is.

We wanted to encourage the Greek Echelon & not only, to request 'Night of the hunter' at their local radio stations so we gave away flyers for this target.

Our day was coming to an end & we shared our last flyers & headed home. While there, we continued promoting the song online via avatars & radio requests.

We had an amazing time promoting our favorite band & we will keep doing so in every way. We want to support this cause & we want to let you know that you should get out there & promote our boys.
If you believe in the boys, then believe in yourselves & do some outside internet street promo.
Thank you for spending the time to read it, we hope you liked it.
Until next time,
Provehito in Altum.
-Marianna & Sophie

This is a collage I (Sophie) made, with all the pictures we took from the street assault:

Please feel free to spread the word about this post in Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr.