I am pretty sure you all know what VyRT is by now, but in case you don't, you can find all the info here.
So with VyRT, every person around the world will have the opportunity to watch live this special show of Thirty Seconds to Mars, no matter where he/she is. This is phenomenal.
However, with quality comes the respective price which is really not much, it's $15. And personally, I'm alright with it since I'll have backstage access, Q&A with the band and an amazing HD quality.
I also understand though that some people may not be able to afford it for several reasons and we need to understand that. It is not easy for everyone, specially not these days.
So...to celebrate my upcoming 10.000 followers who have been the most supportive, patient, talented & purely genuine people ever, I would like to GIVE AWAY a VyRT ticket to one of them.
I am giving away 2 free VyRT tickets!
@IAm_Echelon is giving away 1 more VyRT ticket so we will give away 3 in general!
@Ela_Echelon is giving away 2 more VyRT tickets so we will give away 5 in general!
@sainthope & @krixxy1 & @amoolalifa are giving away 5 more VyRT tickets so we will give 10 in general!!!!
@MarsLilli & @GirlFromMars85 & @PulangMansanas & @Ela_Echelon (who is already giving 2) are giving away 5 more VyRT tickets so we will away 14 in general!
@Archrose & @SarahK_13 & @JulesK_7 & @BlueMoonFirefly are giving away 3 more tickets, so we are currently giving away 17 in total!
@MOMarsFan & @JenLovesMars & @seashellmix & @oizhre & @Dokushaku are giving 6 more tickets so we're at 23 free VyRT tickets to give away!!!
Also @sainthope & @krixxy1 &@drugformars are donating AGAIN 9 tickets in total so we are at 32 tickets!!
@dimopoulou1977 & @crystaldw810 & @tkseven & @malfoeyechelon & @zmbvam44 & @medgicsays & @mariakennedy10 & @_absurdity & @ulenaskalmowska are giving 9 more tickets so that gets us to 41 free tickets!!!
@firey_phine & @onix07 & battrebegagnad are donating 3 more tickets so we are at 44 free tickets!!
@GothySwe & @C0c0Shanelle & @KenV2 & @ashleyrenee21 & @ErikaPink4 & @NisiEchelon & @VerySourCherry & @MOMarsFan are donating 9 MORE TICKETS so we will give away 54 tickets!!
@MOMarsFan is donating one more ticket, and @Marissa_Echelon & @nursehmc78 are donating 4 more tickets so we are at....58 free tickets!!!!
@mamisoniasita & @charlenepip & @rebeecamelo & @30stm_angelface & @comet87 & @thisiszeri & @Scheherazanne & @murielnormandy are donating 5 more tickets for you so we are giving away 66 tickets!!!
I know it's not something special, but I would love to give it away to an Echelon who truly deserves it and he/she is just unable to pay for it.
So how this works?
Simply, fill this form here.
You NEED to be following me because in case you win, I will have to send you a Direct Message. Besides, I'm doing this for my 10.000 followers :)
I would prefer to give the ticket to someone who really CAN'T get it on his/her own. We are supposed to celebrate together the 300 shows.
I will contact the winners on 4th of December.
Also, I would like to add that this giveaway was inspired by @AmericanEchelon who holds a similar contest and you should check it out as well.
Thank you to everyone who has stood by me through our funny, sad, inspiring, serious, silly, amazing moments in Twitter.
You have been my savior and without you, I would definitely not be here writing all this stuff.
I should stop writing before I get all emotional but once again THANK YOU, THANK YOU for everything you have done even if you don't know it. You all are my stepping stone.
I'm looking forward to seeing all you in MARS300 (virtually or not). This is something we should all attend no matter the timezones, the money, the difficulties. We will jump and touch the sky for the last time in this 2-year-tour.
I love you all so much and don't ever go changing.
Sincerely yours,
For any questions, please contact me in Twitter @30STMVOTE or Facebook: 30STMVOTE.